Developing Healthy Networking Skills
Meeting people and developing a healthy relationship is something that is not usually easy for most people.
For some people, the difficulty is about getting to actually meet the person but the real hard nut to crack can be about maintaining the relation after you have met them.
Healthy networks can be helpful in many ways. Nothing in life goes smoothly without an element of human relationship. A touch of connection/network can add a new face to process that was initially perceived to be difficult or impossible.
At the end of this course, you will be able to;
Weather it is about your personal or professional development, you need that element of human push. It could be a simple suggestion from a friend or even a family member. Maybe you went into your profession because someone recommended the course to you. You could be in your next job because of a recommendation from someone. Whatever it is, at some pointin your life, you will need people who challenge you and who will teach you to do things differently. To network means to constantly and consciously seek for these people.
Networking, like most things in life requires you to have some skills in order to do it effectively.
When you have gained these skills, how do you put them into practice?
Be patient and be consistent, realise that it is a process. Be intentional and be committed to building your network.
Be open and professional about your conversations. Remember to be focused and set clear boundaries.